Sales Performance Dashboard

Sales Performance Dashboard


I carried out this project for Wyse-Buyer Mega Stores by creating an advanced data visualization using Microsoft Excel. The process began with data extraction, where I managed databases by querying relevant information from product, sales and customer tables using SQL. This foundational step allowed me to access and organize the necessary data for analysis.

Following the extraction, I employed Power Query in Excel to clean and manipulate the dataset. This involved removing inconsistencies, filling in missing values and ensuring that the data was in a usable format for analysis.

Once the data was properly cleaned, I utilized various charts and graphs to create an interactive dashboard with slicers and timeline to drill down. This dashboard generated critical insights, which include:

  1. The top five products by profit

  2. Profit segments

  3. The top ten states by profit

  4. The top five customers by profit

  5. Regional sales performance

  6. Profit trends between 2014 to 2017, and

  7. Key Performance Indicators (KPI's) for total sales, profit, discount and customer count

The actionable insights derived from this dashboard have empowered Wyse-Buyer as follows:

  1. Made informed decisions on business strategies

  2. Streamline operations, and

  3. Ultimately increase profitability

Dashboard Snapshot

Wyse-Buyer Dashboard SnapShot

Check out the live project on my portfolio here:

By presenting complex data in a visually compelling manner, I facilitated a better understanding of key metrics and trends, enabling the organization to adapt its strategies effectively in a competitive market.